Things to keep in mind when using stainless steel fasteners

Date Posted:

July 7, 2014

Post Author:

Marsh Fasteners

Last Updated on March 13, 2023 by Marsh Fasteners

After being in the stainless steel fastener business for over 20 years, we’ve come across a a number of common pitfalls that can occur during the specification or use of fasteners. Whether you’re in the boating, marine and coastal construction, marine fabrication or utilities industry, it’s important to know how to select, install and maintain your fasteners. Here are a few pointers to help you out during the process:

Specifying the right type of fastener

Stainless steel comes in a variety of grades. 316 and 304 are the most common grades of steel, with 316 being more corrosion resistant. There are certain instances when it is advisable to rather opt for the 316 stainless steel fastener, such as if the project is near the coast or if the fastener can be seen on the exterior of the construction (because the 316 is less likely to stain).

Surface finishes: it’s not all about aesthetics

When you choose a more polished finish, it will not only reduce the chances of staining, but it also offers better corrosion resistance. If you’re choosing a stainless steel fastener with a rougher surface, small particles could get stuck within the finish which could actually damage the protective layer, which leads to staining.

Implement a cleaning schedule

Advise your client about the benefits of cleaning stainless steel products. While this isn’t necessary in every application, it’s highly recommended if the steel fasteners are on the exterior of the building/surface and will be seen by others. If you want to maintain the steel’s appearance, it needs to be cleaned regularly.

Marsh Fasteners is here to supply you with all the top quality stainless steel fasteners you need (and we’re also available to answer any questions or queries you might have). Contact us for more information today.